Friday, September 19, 2008

Light at the end...

I AM EMPLOYED AND PACKING FOR KOREA!  Just when I felt more waiting would be unbearable, I got a message yesterday from this sweet recruiter named Sun A (Son-ah) with whom I've been seeking employment for the past month.  She found a job for me in Seoul and she wanted to know if I was interested.  Answer: yes, so I agreed to a phone interview that night (last night).  After more communication and a good night's rest, I woke to an email with a contract offering me the job.  Four hours later, the contract was signed, scanned, and mailed along with my other documents to South Korea. :D  I have waited so long for this.  

Start date: October 20th, 2008
End date: October 19th, 2009

I leave as soon as I get my visa and Sun A arranges my flight.  The visa should take 2-4 weeks, so PRAY for expedited service all around!