EXTRA EXTRA! Two notes in one day!
March 2nd begins the new school year in Korea. I am quite nervous about this, because there will be a lot of change for my school, and consequently, me, during this time. Basically, my school sold itself to a bigger organization, because we were losing money, I believe. Therefore, I now have a new director, new co-workers, a renovated school building, and at least two new English teachers. My current Korean English-teaching co-worker will leave at the end of this month, which makes me quite sad. We became quick friends, though the difference in our ages is over 15 years. She introduced me to my church after just one week of being here, and she’s been a strong Christian support and encourager for me in the past 3 months.
These new changes could mark the beginning of something great, like more friendships, greater organization (with my own desk!), and a better teaching curriculum, but I am still uneasy. It does feel like the grounds being taken from under my feet. I have almost 4 months of experience now, but my students, my curriculum, and my teaching methods will soon change. It will be like starting afresh—just when I felt like I had my ducks in a row. Such is life.
Tomorrow, I will walk into a newly renovated school, complete with an expanded kitchen, expanded office, smaller play area for the children, my own desk and computer, and a new library with 1,000 plus English reading books. If all goes well, on March 2nd, our new employees will begin—a new native speaker and a new bilingual Korean teacher. Soon, we shall pick our new curriculum (some of the weight of that rests on my amateur shoulders) and buy books for the hoards of new students we hope to receive. In this new school year, every English class I teach will be with a Korean co-teacher. We will teach all subjects in English, as the parents desire, including history, math, science, and art. My school is primarily a Kindergarten, so it is our job to prepare students for entry into English elementary schools. Aeeeee. Dear Katy, welcome to Kindergarten teacher 101. I am just glad I’ll have a co-teacher to co-bear this burden. Yes, English kindergarten is a burden, considering the kids don’t speak English!
So…these are my worries right now. There you go. In terms of personal life, read my other entry for today. Additionally, I’ll be doing some spiritual and physical house-cleaning. My pastor really inspired me today. My room appearance always reflects the condition of my spirit, my heart. Gaaa…I’m glad you cannot see my room (aka my studio apartment). How’s that for being vague aka safe?